
4/5 - 4/8

I ran in the morning before work. It was the first morning run after the NYC marathon.
I jogged around the 4-mile loop of the Central Park. I finished 4 miles in 34’20”, mile 8’35” pace.
Running in the quiet park with hearing birds’ singing, morning run is my favorite.

A walk off home run by A-Rod made the worst game into classic game. Today’s Yankee game was exciting. The bad news was Igawa and Matsui
I ran after returning to home from the game. I jogged around the whole loop of the Central Park at brisk pace. I finished 6 miles in 44’41”, 7’27” per mile pace.

I did long run training of 22 mile.
It was the second of this season. The first one was 18 mile on 3/25.

It was cloudy and windy. The temperature was 37°F.
I ran 3 whole loop (6 mile) and 4 mile loop.
I was supposed to run at 8’30” per mile pace. But I starter too fast and ran even faster at the second and third whole loop. My time was 48’54”, 47’44” and 47’25”, the pace was 8’09”, 7’57” and 7’54” per mile. Yes, it was too fast.
I was so exhausted in the last 4 mile loop. Both of my physical and mental condition fell down. I was not able to keep the pace. It took 37’11” to finish 4 miles, 9’38” per mile pace.
It was not perfect, but it was good training because I realized that my winter mileage was not enough to run the marathon at my best pace. I have to decide race pace for the NJ marathon in 3 weeks. Today’s training provided me much information on my condition, which I should consider most in planning the race.

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