
5 miles at an easy pace

The temperature was 30°F at 7:00pm today. It was much better than Tuesday.
So I decided to go to the Central Park and jog.

It seemed that other runners thought like me. There were much more runners in the park than Tuesday. Actually there were very few runners on Tuesday.

Today I jogged south 5.1mile loop of the park.
As I was just recovered from the groin pain, I tried not to run faster than 8minutes per mile pace.
I finished 5.1 miles in 42'25"; it was 8'19" per mile pace. It was not bad.

I will run on Saturday. And on Sunday I will participate in a 15K race. It will be the first race since the half-marathon in the Central Park on January 21st when I injured my groin.
I will think that the race is one of training run and try not to push myself too much.

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